Welcome to another foray into Five Minute Friday where we write freely and words are captured with no over-thinking, over-editing or worry about perfection.

It is a great creative exercise, scary and strangely liberating all at the same time, and really challenges you as a writer.

Today’s prompt is:‘Story’


Weaving a story

Words must flow. A story begs to be heard. Ears are ready to receive even as heart quakes and hand shakes in the telling.

Pour forth your words as water. Only in the unstopping can we be free.

Life needs to be shared as gift for another wounded soul to see and receive.

Our offering becomes the opening of a door to their freedom.

Let loose the words, pain and shame of a story you didn’t choose to be part of.

And in the undoing, unravelling, relief will come.

We are the ones chosen to be glory revealers.

Our lives the tale of God’s greater narrative on the earth.

A story of hope, healing, forgiveness, renewal and redemption.

With lives made new.

Slowly, tenderly, God draws all the messy, tangled threads together with warp and weft of His choosing.

Weaving the pattern He desires to make.

Where we see knots He sees new opportunities.

Making a thing of beauty.

A showcase of His grace.

And as we yield to the Author and perfector of our faith our chains fall loose.

We can stand free.

A life washed clean, anointed and equipped by Love.

A story of restoration waiting to be shared.

Our stories woven into the fabric of eternity.


Linking here with Lisa-Jo Baker at Five Minute Friday. You are very welcome to join in as we aim to share and encourage one another by our words.