Many ambitious souls love to restore an old property and lovingly bring it back to life. One such project is currently on our TV viewing schedule. We’re avidly watching Escape To The Chateau and loving every moment of it. Have you seen it? The parents are colourful, can-do, ingenious and charismatic characters and their children are adorable.

Each episode reveals layers of ancient ruins requiring attention. There may be groans sometimes at the sheer quantity of work involved, but then they roll up their sleeves and get on with it. The finished result is always stunning, artistic and somehow completed on time. They run a thriving business there too.

The changes over that period have been nothing short of miraculous, spectacular and entertaining to watch. It reminds me how you and me are very much works in progress, yet God never throws in the towel (trowel?) in frustration and gives up on us.

restore - workmen's tools -God never throws in the towel quote (C) joylenton

Far from it. He remains undaunted at the enormity of the restoration task, as He has infinite patience and an unlimited vision of how positive change is possible as we cooperate with Him. God always completes what He starts in us but it’s by no means a painless procedure because alterations are uncomfortable while we live in a mess.

But is it worth it? Oh yes! Even though we might not notice the difference for years. Because once we do, we won’t want to go back to the way we were before. Once we trust the process itself, we will be more willing when God points His finger on an area requiring attention.

Though it might cause us to blanch a bit, especially if we hadn’t noticed anything wrong ourselves. Yet God seeks to unearth the hidden beauty of Christ within us and make it more apparent. So I have welcomed God’s whispered “word” to me this year because it’s full of potential and promise.

restore - old building - God seeks to unearth quote (C) joylenton

To be given “restore” after a lengthy health relapse, when I had to lay aside my writing life and blogs, is a huge encouragement to me. It suggests some discomfort, of course, but it speaks of change for the better as well.

How might it look? I’m not sure yet. It could lead to foundational change or a measure of healing, perhaps. Although I’m already aware that my ability to write here, and my creativity in general, is beginning to bloom again. For which I am truly thankful! I’ll be writing more on this topic in the months ahead.

What I want to do for now is encourage you to listen for a “word” or phrase of your own from God. Don’t be afraid to ask. He loves to hear from us and direct our paths, and a defining theme for the year helps with that aim. Having had “words” for several years, I can testify to them being helpful and encouraging.

Mind if I pray for you?

Dear Father,
Thank you for shedding your light on our darkened places and providing guidance when we feel lost or stuck. Would you speak to my friend, grant them renewed hope, and whisper close what you want them to focus on most as they go through 2020? Because you love to restore, teach and lead us in the right way and make all things new for your glory and praise. Please help us stay encouraged while we are changing works in progress.

PS: If you’re interested, you can find info about #escapetothechateau here 🙂 x