Does my heart leap in recognition when I sense God within? Do I really know about hosting the holy in my earthly soul? Do I have a deepening awareness of His presence in myself and others?

As I contemplate how to live well in 2017, such thoughts, and more, make their way into my mind as I reflect on being a recipient of grace and a broken clay pot receptacle of God’s presence to others.

Maybe we can never fully make sense of holiness, the set apart unto God aspects it requires. But I believe we can try. We can open ourselves up to seeing God in others, honour the divine footprint in their soul. We can hunger for hosting the holy better as we mindfully create sacred spaces in our day, and try to live with an open hands, open heart awareness.

[bctt tweet=”We can open ourselves up to seeing God in others, honour the divine footprint in their soul”]

All kinds of prayer help: silent and spoken, tears and lament alongside gratitude, praise and rejoicing and lip-tied awe. It’s our lifeline to the Lord,  focal point of our relationship with Him.

Prayer demonstrates our daily dependence, as does a desire for more of what God requires of us and less of living in a vague, self-preoccupied, selfish and self-absorbed way.

Jesus is ours for eternity. A Gift for all ages and years. And as we metaphorically loosen the swaddling bands surrounding the infant in the manger, longing to inspect Jesus for ourselves, so we can slowly unwrap the promises He brings, take time to savour the marvel, magnitude and magnificence of our Saviour.

[bctt tweet=”Jesus is ours for eternity. A Gift for all ages and years”]

Hosting the holy implies reverence, respect and responsibility. Mary-like, we have precious treasure on board, Holy Spirit living within. We’re ambassadors for Christ in all we say, think and do. It’s a sobering thought, isn’t it?

Our lives also mirror His in terms of bearing woundedness, brokenness and suffering. Those who live for Jesus cannot help but identify with His death, as we die a myriad little deaths to self on a daily basis in the decisions we make and choices we take.

[bctt tweet=”We pour out our broken lives as offering to God, give Him all the sharp shards, fractured parts”]

We pour out our broken lives as offering to God, give Him all the sharp shards and fractured parts. He tenderly gathers all the tiny fragments as He gradually mends, heals and restores us back to the way He intended us to be from the beginning.

Without Holy Spirit’s indwelling there would be no lasting change, growth or transformation in us, no ability to patiently endure trials and tribulations or overcome life’s manifold challenges, no grace to sustain, strengthen and uphold, or holy Light and Love to gently lead us.

[bctt tweet=”Without God’s indwelling there would be no lasting change, growth or transformation in us”]

This world would be as black as pitch and our hearts equally dark without God’s mercy and forgiveness, the joy of His presence with us. Jesus is the Door inviting us all into relationship with God, but will we say our first yes and keep on saying yes to Him?

May we be like His mother Mary and offer our willing yes, our heartfelt surrender to hosting the holy within our own souls. May we sense the awesome privilege being given to us. And may we aim to live a life that pleases God above all things.

[bctt tweet=”May we be like Mary and offer our willing yes, our heartfelt surrender to hosting the holy within”]

If you’d like to read my poem about bearing Christ within, please click here 

What does hosting the holy well look like to you?