God doesn’t usually shout to get our attention. Rather, He whispers softly to our hearts, longing for us to hear and respond to His voice. Although those whispers can become more urgent over time, especially when we’ve grown hard-hearted or temporarily deaf to His calling.

As I’ve been reading Bonnie Gray’s latest release, ‘Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul’, God has been using it powerfully to speak to me. Each chapter ushers us into deeper soul rest, with Bonnie sharing her experiences, several scriptural references, God’s whispers to her heart (and to our own), and thought-provoking quotes.

Each day’s devotional offers a word to guide us, prayer, soul permission slip, room to prayerfully reflect and journal our story, an intriguing, helpful Beloved Soul Care challenge and Soul Care Trail Notes to offer extra inspiration and encouragement.

On day one of reading Bonnie’s book I heard the words “deep water” from the Lord and He whispered this…

“Beloved, I want to draw you out of the shallows, where your net has been cast in seas of people-pleasing and approval, pressure and stress. Instead, I invite you to spend more time with Me. Let this be a season of rest, recuperation and refreshment for you.

Go deeper into My current of grace. Let Holy Spirit bathe you in a healing balm and deep waters of calm. Take time to sit with Me. Stay longer. Linger in My presence. Pause to become rooted and renewed.

Stop long enough to hear My voice above the world’s noise and the clamour of your own thoughts. Stay in silence. Befriend stillness. Accept your need for rest of every kind. I long to pour My peace into your restless soul.

I seek to have you know Me better as Soul Lover and Friend. I yearn for your heart’s true devotion. I am calling you to come aside for a while. To lay down your burdens, cares and concerns, to trust Me with everything.”

Hold nothing back. I see those secret anxieties and fears you try to hide. Your soul is perfectly transparent to Me. It is also perfectly secure, unbreakable and safe in My hands. 

Relax in knowing I already know all things. Nothing is concealed from Me. Take My hand and let’s journey together over the next few weeks as close soul companions and friends. Lean on Me and trust Me to take very good care of you at all times, in shallow or in deeper waters of life.”

I highly recommend you get a copy of Bonnie’s beautiful new book and see how God speaks softly to you through its pages. She is a gentle, inspiring and encouraging guide in helping us to have a deeper soul conversation with God.

My biggest faith shot takeaways have been: keeping a regular prayer journal again, listening better to God and savouring each soul care challenge. I’ve also benefited hugely from seeing myself more fully as God’s Beloved, and I know you will too. You can order it here and download bonus gifts as well!

**Friends, the words above have encouraged me to (finally!) take a blogging break for a few weeks, although email only subscribers will hear from me soon via my quarterly newsletter. I can also be found on social media and may post occasionally on my Facebook page.

In order to not miss out, please subscribe below, in the sidebar or on the About page here. I’d be honoured to have your company! May God be with you and bless you richly in the days ahead as you rest in Him. Meanwhile, you are in my thoughts and prayers.** 🙂