As I watch my husband struggle with severe pain, see him crawl up the stairs on all fours and wince with every movement, I ache for the loss of his previous capacity, and I ache again for my inability to fully support him through our changed circumstances.

Though God’s perfect love can stretch itself infinitely to meet a need, gives and gives again, without counting the cost or seeking to receive, oh how hard it can be for frail, weak humanity to give unconditionally!

We need a lot of grace, Holy Spirit help, strength and inspiration, recognition of our limitations and complete dependence on Him.

Prayer is essential too…

Dear Father,

I want to expend myself in love, but only by your equipping and grace, with the right people at the right time, especially those who you bring into my orbit and sphere of influence.

Otherwise, I might be tempted to exhaust myself in love, to give beyond my God-given capacity, quickly become empty, drained and dry, weary in well-doing.

[bctt tweet=”Loving others is often hard, challenging work we need God’s help with”]

Because loving others is often hard, messy and challenging work we need your help with. It can be a demanding, difficult and time-consuming task. We all shy away at times from the inconvenience it causes and the commitment it asks of us.

We need your help with showing compassion and love, for we are imperfect, broken human beings trying to serve people who are just like us—those who may upset, frustrate and disappoint us,  just as we might do to them.

Our drive and desire to love others derives from you alone and our ability to love well rests on being inspired and fired with Holy Spirit fuel. As we abide and receive from you, may we learn not to hoard your love but to freely share it with others.

As you lavish your waterfall of grace on us, may we absorb it to the full, then gratefully pour it out to bless and refresh others as well.

[bctt tweet=”Our drive and desire to love others derives from God alone”]

Fit us to live and love well. Show us how to impact lives for good and not for ill. May we model ourselves on our Saviour Lord, all the while knowing His lifeblood flows within, giving us the capacity to care as we dwell in Him.

May we be aware that each person we meet is a precious child of God. May we ache to be compassionate, as your Spirit leads and guides us.

Show us numerous ways in which we can demonstrate your love, while we aim to reveal your goodness and grace. Teach us how to reach out to all you would have us bless—beginning in our homes and neighbourhood.

[bctt tweet=” May we be aware that each person we meet is a precious child of God”]

May we always remember to be kind. Let us never forget how much has been given to us. May we rest in your love and become replenished, refuelled in your presence.

May we also learn to become gracious recipients by allowing others to show your compassionate care when they minister to us in our hour of need.


“My dear friends, we must love each other. Love comes from God, and when we love each other, it shows we have been given new life. We are now God’s children and we know him. God is love..” ~ 1 John 4: 7-8 CEV