We grow impatient and discouraged, view our lives with jaundiced eyes and long to see some signs of success, pointers to progress.

It’s a worldly thing. And it’s a spiritual yearning, too, a soul-longing.

God wants us to grow: in faith, in trust, in love, goodness and grace, in likeness to Christ.

[bctt tweet=”We ache for change on the inside, little realising the path to progress will inevitably be painful.”]

Like a chrysalis struggling to break free from the confines of its sac, we move restlessly in pursuit of freedom.

Yet its perseverance is not in vain. It grows strong in the struggle itself, and so do we.

Before we can soar free as a butterfly, we need to work through the things that hold us back and hamper us.

Without the stretching of our faith, there will be no resilience and strength developing within.

Those wounds we bear and the scars we wear are battle-banners to the world that we’ve fought the good fight of faith.

[bctt tweet=”We only grow strong as believers by exercising our faith muscles and our trust tendons.”]

God watches and waits. Maybe He even longs to intervene. But He knows that what we need most is to learn how to become free by His grace.

Growth takes time. It’s no overnight process. Maturity comes in stages.

We will bear the scorch-marks of our fiery trials, accompanied by the sweet aroma of God’s presence, His love burning strong within.

I want to grow: less impatient, more loving, kinder (to myself as well as others), in faith, understanding and wisdom.

My heart yearns for growth and change. It comes with a price. Freedom always does.

God is revealing to me that it requires willing surrender, a daily laying down and dying to self to grow in grace and Christ-likeness.

When we live with a greater awareness of God’s grace, a deeper dependence on Him, a hunger and thirst after righteousness, then we are on the way to seeing change and breaking free from all that binds us.

My friend, God is cheering you on with every faltering step you take, holding your hand through the hard.

While you and I are still in the process of change, God rejoices over us.

[bctt tweet=”We can grow and spread our wings on the way to all we are becoming.”]

butterfly pin WoJ

Learning and growing is made easier in community. I’m thankful to be linking my words with Kate Motaung and the five-minute-friday writing crew on the prompt ‘grow’. One day I might grow more aware of the time and write a bit less! Also with Barbie and Carrie as we consider how to grow and walk worthy of our calling in Christ.