Our hearts long to know we’re not alone.

Someone out there cares.

We are more than a number.

We count. We matter.

And we matter most of all to God.

He is continually speaking to us. Eager to gain our listening ear.

God is desirous to impart the wild Love of His heart, the wisdom of His ways and the awesome revelation of His grace.

He longs for us to make room for His voice in our lives.

[bctt tweet=”In the quiet chambers of our hearts we can hear holy whispers if we pause to listen”]

Sense the divine Presence, His soft footsteps.

God’s voice is a gentle whisper; He doesn’t scream or shout to gain our attention.

Although the cross was a megaphone to rouse a deaf world.

A necessary breaking through our spiritually sleeping state, an invasion of God’s grace.

And now? It’s mainly through Jesus that we hear Him, through His Word written and made flesh as God Incarnate manifest.

It’s in attentive listening. In deliberately turning off and away from the world’s noise.

[bctt tweet=”It’s in the daily that we hear God. In creation’s breathed out beauty, in life’s thrum “]

And in its daily heartbeat where we learn to awaken to the whisper of His Presence.

Awakening to the whisper…

a-stilling-of-the-soul- prayer whisper WoJ-file

I sense a whisper

and I strain to listen because

it’s falling soft as heaven’s breath

warm as Love’s caress

refreshing drop of rain from

heart to heart is calling.


Whether it’s sweet encouragement,

comfort or challenge, revealing

our position in grace with loving

admonition bringing inner

healing, there’s no alteration

from the calm manner in

which it is gently given.


It’s not my outer ear

where the whisper is received

but deeper in my spirit

where I will pay it heed.


Sometimes a whisper will arrive

by the perusal of Your word

when I sense a leaping

in my heart where these things

are usually stirred.


At other times I wait with great

anticipation while in prayer

knowing something relevant

to my situation is what You

so often long to share.


However the whisper of Your voice

reaches me, I desire to hear each word

that’s given and I write it down

eagerly, to be seen and heard

again for future help in living.


Very often I have found

a whisper makes a louder

sound as it resonates within

like leaven, becoming bread

to share as gift of manna

with sister and with brother

like dewdrops from heaven.


awakening to whisper poem WoJ

With today’s poetic offering we’ve reached day 26 of write-31-days with five-minute-free-writes for the month of October. It has been quite an adventure of faith to see how God has inspired, equipped and enabled me to write more than usual. I’m so thankful for His grace and for you being here too. Bless you for reading, friend! 🙂