How do you view silence? Do you avoid it like the plague? It sits uncomfortably for many. Our world spins noisily with continual sound available to us 24/7.

It is rare to hear nothing at all beyond earth’s natural circadian rhythms. With sentient creatures going about their days. And our own heart hammering out its lifeblood.

Although we don’t have to escape to a desert island to enjoy the riches of stillness and silence. Because it can be developed inwardly.

[bctt tweet=”There is something to be said for pressing the mute button on life’s noise sometimes”]

I’ve been leaning more toward the contemplative Christian pathway in recent months. And I’ve come to appreciate the way silence speaks to us if we let it. To sit with the discomfort as thoughts whirl dervish-like through my head.

Spiritual rest and stillness

Learning to sift out what should be paid attention to and what can wait. Seeking to heed Holy Spirit whispers in the stillness of my soul. And learn to lean into the self-knowledge that is silence’s gift to us.

[bctt tweet=”Prayer is a place where we can speak or remain silent with attentive listening”]

When we stop long enough to listen to our lives and listen to God, we may find that He is always speaking. His voice is never silent. God was there from our conception and sees us beyond the grave. Such things affected how I wrote my five-minute post today.

A poem about sitting with silence

Sitting with silence..

We begin with silence.

Cradled in the warmth.

Entombed in our mother’s

watery womb where sound seems

muffled down to a heartbeat.

Two mingled together, made

a trinity by God’s presence.


Flesh, soul and spirit

combine in silent

union, a tripartite

community of love.


We wait with silence.

Comforted, content

to stretch our limbs

toward the Light

of our dawning birth

and entry into noisy

welcome of earth.


And then silence

ceases to be our friend

because it signals some

degree of separation.

Loneliness reigns in

its dark embrace.

silence as gift WoJ

But if we let it,

silence can become

a place of wisdom

and instruction as we

listen hard for God’s voice

and rest in His warm

waters of soothing grace.


silence waters WoJ

Friends, this poem (day 24 of write-31-days and five-minute-free-writes) marks the beginning of a period of slowing down a little here.  My intention is to lean into the gift of silence rather than the heavy spill of words. I’ll also be seeking to have deeper, listening, soul resting time with God.

Therefore my voice will not appear here with quite the same regularity of late, so your inbox can breathe easy again! Though I hope to offer a couple more posts in this series before signing off briefly for some necessary down-time.