Much of life feels like preparation work as we are readied for the next big thing to happen. It’s important for us to see our need to be ready. So often I feel ill prepared for what awaits me, but each day is one step closer to it.

God is preparing us to receive. He alone knows the perfect timing and when to release us into the anointing He has planned. From our perspective it’s shrouded in mystery. We find waiting baffling, setbacks devastating and hold ups frustrating.

It takes a great deal of trust and faith to believe that in all things God is working for our good, especially if we rely only on what our senses are telling us. But as we sharpen our spiritual antennae, we begin to view things more from God’s wider perspective than our own limited one.

[bctt tweet=”I’ve discovered how valuable active and attentive listening in prayer can be.”]

God has used it many times to teach me things that are also helpful to others. I’m sharing a prophetic prayer whisper God gave me that speaks hope into impatient souls. My hope and prayer is that it will bless you too.

a stilling of the soul - prayer whisper

Prayer whisper: Be ready

“I am sending a Holy fire that will flow through every area of your life, purifying and cleansing mind and body. All that has held you captive for so many years will be burnt away. All that has confined and constrained you from living joyfully and freely will be scorched into dust and ashes.

Be ready to receive the heat of My Presence warming your soul, casting out all that clings cold and dark in your mind and heart. I am coming with My refining fire to sift all that is not of Me, all that the enemy has stolen from you or brought upon your life.

Restoration is coming to My people. They will receive a double recompense for their loss. My Bride will walk worthy of her calling. I am readying her for the bridal feast to come. My Light will radiate from her in this hour of preparation.

As she hears My clarion call whispered to her heart, she will lift her head in eager anticipation. Sadness and discouragement will fall away as My people begin to see that I am at the door and they ready themselves to receive Me.

The days will still be challenging and there will be times when you will struggle to believe that I am healing, restoring and renewing you. I will never overlook,  leave or forsake you.”

[bctt tweet=”Hold onto Hope; rest secure in My promises and continue to live by faith in Me.”]

This is day 10 of #write31days where I’m joining in with #fiveminutefreewrites as featured over at Kate Motaung’s site. Today’s prompt is:‘ready’. You’re welcome to take a look here at the rest of the month’s prompts and join in if you’d like to.